Latest Science News : What is 5G? When does it going to be launch in India - Technology Times India


5G, a world where everything is going to be very fast and smart. Electronic devices should communicate with one another, the car moving on the road should communicate with one another and the work that takes many hours to complete, now will complete in just few seconds. Let's talk about the fifth generation and how it will change your day to day life style. If you look on the right upper corner of your phone you will notice that 4G or 4G LTE or 3G is written there. Now here, the meaning of 'G' is generation and actually it means "Generation of Wireless Networking Technology". As big as the size of "G" the fast will be the connection and big means not big in size but big in numbers like 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. Now let's understand it deep.

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What is 5G? When does it going to be launch in India - Technology Times India

When years ago 1G came in 1980s, then people are able to communicate with one another for the first time through mobile phones. 1G network works on analogue radio Signals and on that, peoples are able to communicate through calls only. Then in 1990s 2G came and we got GPRS (Global packet Radio Service) by which e-mail communication in mobile phones become possible and users are start getting low internet connection too. After that the third generation 3G came by which the internet connection on mobile phones become faster and reliable. Then comes 4G which we all know how it is, which transforms the mobile phone into minicomputer. But apart from all that the 5G which  is the coming generation is going to be very different and advanced. In mobile networking Technology, the 5th generation (5G) is going to be a big generation shift of all time.

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Meaning of 5G and its Advantages

What is 5G? When does it going to be launch in India - Technology Times India

The mobile networking technology which is going to be very different and advanced and should be 100 times faster than 4G is known as 5G. 5G is commonly known as fifth generation. The first big change that 5G bring is the super fast speed. The fifth generation (5G) is going to be hundred times faster than 4G and that should be unbelievable. For example, if a full HD movie of 2 hours take 26 hours in 3G and 6 to 7 minutes in 4G to download and that's too when the network is in peak, 5G requires only 3.6 seconds to download the same full HD movie of 2 hours and that's amazing.The speed of 5G will say goodbye to the buffering issue that we face while playing videos on YouTube or other streaming platforms. Once we click on to the video it will load in milliseconds. The speed of 5G will be faster than any fibre optic cable in our home.

          If you think the speed of 5G is going to be its only amazing feature then wait, the next Big change that 5G will bring is "Low Latency". Low Latency in general words, we can say, it's the response time. How much time the network will take after receiving your command is called latency. If we give any command on 4G network or click to anything then it responses within 50 to 100 milliseconds which is faster than blinking of an eye. Talking about human reaction time, then it takes around 300 milliseconds to respond but 5G will respond in just one millisecond. It means it is 300 times faster than blinking of an eye. Let us understand the advantage of low latency with the help of an example -  say you are at the red light traffic signal and you remove your leg from the break as it goes green but the car is stopped automatically by sensing that there's a car coming from the side and it is very fast to break the traffic signal, causing an accident between the two. The car is able to do so because the cars can communicate to each other and knows that direction of travel, speed, brake position of the cars coming from different sides of the road etc. This all could be possible due to low latency where the response time is only 1 millisecond.

      Another big change that 5G will bring, is in Healthcare where machines will be connected with 5G technology and works in real time which makes possible for the expert surgeons to perform remote surgery. The surgeries can be done with the help of robotic arms by using 5G Networking Technology.

   But how all the above mentioned points will be possible? How 5G is so fast in real time? Let us know about this.

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How 5G Mechanism Works

What is 5G? When does it going to be launch in India - Technology Times India

The reason behind the speed of 5G networking technology and low latency is the "millimetre waves". Millimetre waves is a kind of radio frequencies. Smartphones and other electronic devices used specific frequency based on radio frequency spectrum and these frequencies are generally under 6 GHz but when many smartphones connected with one another than this frequency is become crowded and the internet service provider is able to give limited data only on that frequency. This is the reason of slow down of the network when more people uses it. To remove or avoid this problem, millimetre waves are used in 5G Technology.

       Instead of 6 GHz millimetre waves works on 30 to 300 GHz. Till now only radar system and satellite uses the millimetre waves but now it will also be used in mobile networking Technology. On 4G, around 10 lakh devices can be able to connect in 500 square kilometre but in 5G, 10 lakh devices can be connected in just 1 square kilometre. That's how impactful 5G is. Millimetre waves gives speed and low latency but it has some of the limitations too. Millimetre waves can't be able to travel a long distance and if any obstacle come in between then it will not be able to offer a good connectivity. For example there is a small cell or network box from 600 metres away from your house then you will not be able to get 5G connectivity because the range of millimetre wave is around 300 to 400 metres only. In case of bad weather and rainy season millimetre waves can't be able to offer good connectivity.

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How Long Does It Take To Come In Existence

What is 5G? When does it going to be launch in India - Technology Times India

To provide 5G to each and every person, it requires new infrastructure and for connectivity, many small cells have to be setup in buildings in a small area. The work is going on for how the 5G Technology will be provided to each and every person and it will require a lot of time for implementing 5G in India.

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